


God's Strategies through Indigenous People
Australia Day @ Elcho Is.
Restoring Corrupted Family Giftings
The Identity Crisis
News Around Australia
Khesed Ministries Annual Reports
Current Projects & Program


Ps Tim Edwards: 

Expect the unexpected from our Unknown God!

Editor's comments from Ephesians 3:14-21:

God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think!

None of us know God completely. God is beyond description, words, songs, music, dance, art. God, nothing can capture Your Greatness! You Are too big for us to comprehend! You are able and longing to do 'exceedingly abundantly' above all that we can ask or think, so we need to know/be aware of/experience the love of Christ that surpasses our knowledge and be filled with all the fullness of God – so that through the Power that works in us, You, Lord God, may be glorified and Your GLORY pour forth in the Church by Christ Jesus in all generations for ever and ever! YES!!! Amen!!


“When we least expect it!”      from John & Annette Ives at Elcho Island, NT

This was our story of last week. Having decided to lay down our Balanda (white people) tendency to take control of situations, and wait for some Yolngu initiative, John was surprised by a visit from 2 senior men with plans, all drawn out on paper, of a vision they had for Australia Day. John, representing Captain Cook (or the British) and several others were to row in from a sailing boat (owned by a staff member) and be met by some Yolngu hunters who would take them to their elders on the hill above. Only this time, they were to come in the right way - asking permission, waiting to be received, and bringing no guns – only the Bible (good news). When he met with the elders, John asked forgiveness for what our ancestors had done and asked if we might all walk forward together into a better future for our children and our nation.
The Yolngu did a great job of getting it all organized and acting out the drama and a significant number of the community participated in the whole event which included a flag raising ceremony (Aboriginal and Australian flags side by side), a BBQ lunch on the lawn, some of the senior leaders sharing their stories or thoughts on the whole matter and a flag and banner [dance] rendition of “Great Southland of the Holy Spirit”. There was a really positive atmosphere in the whole day and it was a great welcome for all the new staff arriving.
This has been such an encouragement to us as we carry reconciliation strongly in our hearts and, as some may know, John wears a ring that was given by the British when we went to the UK on the British/Australian reconciliation tour. It was our indigenous brothers on that occasion who chose him to receive the ring on behalf of Australia. Also, until we came up here, John was closely involved with the National Act of Recognition, which is being planned by Lindsay McDowell and others. This whole event that happened here is like a God ordained fore-runner of that event. Lindsay feels it will be real encouragement to the folk at Botany Bay. Interestingly, the men up here were concerned about how those Aboriginals down south would feel about it.
So there it is. When we let go and let God, He never ceases to amaze us with what He can and does do.

{mospagebreak title="Restoring Corrupted Family Giftings"}

1Cor 7:7 But each has a particular gift from God, one having one kind and another a different kind.
1Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect your gift...
We were talking this week about a Christian Noongar Warrior leader who is doing a great work in the power of God's Holy Spirit. She sometimes causes reactions in people because of the way she says things or does them. Often that is because we only expect God to work in 'nice' ways – or because we fail to recognise what GOD is doing. People often reacted against the Old Testament prophets and killed or punished them.
Then it hit June that this family has a calling and gift from God as warriors. We are aware of other members of her family who fight against injustice and the works of Satan.
Then it hit me that this family has a reputation of being fighters – especially when they are drunk – and are seen as trouble-makers, so they are not liked by some other Noongar families. But this is because the Godly calling and gifting on their family has been corrupted!
But this applies to many other families – and many other corrupted callings and giftings. What is your family gifting: peacemakers, warriors, worshippers, teachers….?
Often we remember – generally without forgiveness - the things that members of some family have done in the past, so we reject everything God wants to do through any member of that family. This is especially true if there has been a fight and someone has been killed or seriously injured.
Let's ask Holy Spirit to take the scales off our eyes so we can see people through God's eyes and pray for the release and effective use of the giftings and callings in each other!
2Timothy 1:6 …fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
1Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

Graham Cooke:    a few thoughts from his messages in Perth recently.

Warfare is not about pulling down strongholds of the enemy, but discovering the sovereignty and supremacy of God in Heaven. God is looking for worshippers more than labourers.
Is there cancer in Heaven? NO! so we can release health on earth.
Is there fighting in Heaven? NO! so we can release harmony and reconciliation on earth!
Shouldn't we be bringing down the Glory of God and the spirit of Jesus into the land more than focussing on fighting evil?

{mospagebreak title="The Identity Crisis & Reconciliation in Israel"}

-    Sara Fischer, Musalaha Editor 
Musalaha is a Christian organization actively seeking reconciliation
 between Jews and Palestinians in Israel
[What does this say for us in Australia?]
For Rebekah who hated Palestinians after her friend was killed in a terror attack, this trip was a turning point in the way she related to Palestinians as she soon found that through open honesty she was able to leave with Palestinian friends.  For Issa, meeting an Israeli soldier caused a wall to go up before him because of the endless humiliation he had suffered at checkpoints.  But, when Danny broke bread together with Issa during the Lord's Supper the wall of bitterness, hatred and fear was broken down and the two were no longer strangers, but brothers.
This is just a glimpse at the testimonies shared on Musalaha's Young Adult Desert Encounter when nearly 40 Israelis and Palestinians trekked across the plains of Wadi Rum, Jordan camping in Bedouin tents, riding camels, excursioning in jeeps and hiking across vast desert sands.  The purpose : to build relationships as the starting to the reconciliation process.
The reconciliation process is not easy especially when dealing with two cultures constantly in a state of conflict.  There are various obstacles and barriers to reconciliation.  One of the obstacles that prevent Israelis and Palestinians from meeting is their identity crisis, which is constantly shaped and moulded by societal and religious influences.  And being a believer makes it even harder.
For the Messianic Jew who only has a Jewish father, enlisting in the Israeli army and donning the green uniform initiates him or her into a select sector of Israeli society.  Many who grew up with a feeling of rejection of their Jewishness because their mother was not Jewish now have a new sense of belonging.  Leaving the immediate family for a new family, the Messianic Jew now has a new ticket into society.  For some of those – the former soldiers who found their identity in the Israeli army – meeting with Palestinians can come as an obstacle and it is harder to attend events such as this reconciliation trip.  This is not the case for all of the participants who have only one Jewish parent and served in the army.  Some have a strong Israeli identity and a willingness to develop friendships with Palestinians.
And even for the Palestinian-Israeli there is a crisis.  Amira shared how she was hesitating to speak because there was an inner struggle as she did not know which language to speak:  Hebrew or Arabic.  Because of the frustration within her , she was building up an anger.  On the one hand if she spoke Hebrew she would be denying her Palestinian identity but on the other hand she belongs to Israeli society.  Sitting around the campfire in the neutral desert gave her the opportunity to speak up and express her feelings before all.
Identity is something we all struggle with.  But as more and more shared their struggles, hurts and frustrations, I came to the realization how much more important it is first and foremost that we find our identity in Jesus the Messiah.  When we are found in Him, we are then able to have a common meeting ground for unity and reconciliation as we learn to accept others for how God made them:  In His likeness and image.

{mospagebreak title="CURRENT Khesed PROJECTS"}

Revival CD/DVD Project:   Outback Fire

The CD version of Fire in the Outback has been held up, with four of the eleven chapters still to be recorded and an update chapter to be written and recorded. Latest estimates are that it will probably be a set of 8 or 9 CDs – hopefully available by Easter this year. We are surprised at the number of requests for copies of the book and commendations we are receiving recently – it is amazing how many people are being deeply touched by it! 
We are also working on a reprint of the book very soon, as stocks are now very low.
The Outback Fire DVD project is to encourage the younger generation as well as older indigenous people, to seek a new movement that will go even deeper, to bring change in the very spirit of the nation through its original people. This has also been delayed and may be produced in several stages, covering different aspects of the story.
Elcho Island Yolngu have also asked us to copy some of their old Dhurrkay Praise cassettes onto CD for sale.

GOD's Story – Simply Aussie

In November, we recorded Dan Armstrong narrating the new version of this 80-minute DVD of the Bible overview story. This has been added to the visuals and music, and we are very please with the overall result. Some minor points could have been better, but we are impressed with what God has put together.
As soon as we finalise Aussie the musical introduction, we will approve the production. Costs for this production will be around $8,000, so we are looking for sponsors and supporters to help with the project. Please join us in prayer that this will be completed in the next few months.
Healing the Ancient Lands
We are feeling a strong leading from the Lord to take on a season of encouraging and facilitating healing the ancient lands of this nation. This has come through prayer over the visions of Anne Aysom and June Blacket, included above. 
We were hoping our days of big road trips were over, but are now planning on traveling to many parts of the nation this year for this ministry, starting with a trip through the Goldfields, Central Desert, and SA/VIC/NSW in April & May. We would like to pray with indigenous and other people in communities and towns during this time.
We have ordered a new 4WD for this ministry, and are waiting for the Lord's full provision of the finance.

{mospagebreak title="NEWS AROUND AUSTRALIA"}

Let The Rivers Flow, Let The Fire Burn

This time of worship and prayer was held in Perth in January on the banks of the Swan River with Murray Yarran, Gloria Dyer, Ps Vuniani  & other guests. People travelled from many parts of Australia, as well as Vanuatu and other places.
There were a number of significant prophetic actions during the time. Barbara Miller and others led a time of dealing with the Rainbow Serpent, including thrusting a spear into the River. After a time of prayer over the spirit of suicide and death, a mini tornado swept through the area, demolishing the prayer tent and bending the metal supports of the stage canopy.
On Sunday morning, Rev Sealin Garlett, Ps Murray Yarran led a time of repentance and renewal at Manguri/Sister Kate's. This site is owned by Uniting Church. The Uniting Aboriginal & Islander Christian Congress are planning major re-development of the site, which was used as an Aboriginal children's home. Ps Laurie Johnston and Annie were asked to stand in for non-indigenous Australians in the event. Laurie sobbed like never before as he saw the faces of many of the children and their descendants, who had been taken to these homes, and he realised the treatment they received and many who died there.
Sealin & Murray dug a hole and stood a large rock in it. A mixture of water, oil and salt – pictured in the Bible as healing agents – was poured over the rock, with prayer for healing the families and the land, before it was buried. A cairn and tree will be placed at the site. There was a real sense of the Lord's healing of the land and the people being released.

Ngaanyatjarra Region

Amee Glass & Dorothy Hackett are now 'retired', living on in their home in Alice Springs. For a number of years they have been praying for mentors for the Ngaanyatjarra Christians. Some of God's answers are in these brief reports:
Jan Chick has made significant progress in her language learning. She is waiting for repairs to her motor home before driving out to Warburton Ranges mid February for about two months with the people there.
Jeremy & Denise Moss have returned to Warburton where they have work at the school. They hope to continue to work there for the rest of the year as they feel a calling to be Christian neighbours and encouragers to the people there. Please remember them in your prayers.
Jameson community: a small group traveled to Perth for the recent Rivers & Fire conference. There has been a real revival of interest in the Lord in the last few years, and they are holding a convention in their community over Easter. A group of leaders in Perth are planning to be there, including Gloria Dyer and John & June Blacket.

Ganggalah Training Centre

The Bible College run by Tweed Valley Community Church has been restructured, with the new name of Ganggalah Training Centre. Ganggalah is a Bunjalung word meaning to learn, gain knowledge and wisdom. Their third six month Certificate III Discipleship Course finishes this month, with a new course starting mid-March. They are open for more students and ask for prayer for the students moving into their next phase, as well as all the new students.
They are looking for sponsors as they develop the college, with accommodation, classrooms and transport being major needs, especially with a large group of new students.
Further details from <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>  07 5524 7856    PO Box 6369 Tweed Heads NSW 2486.

{mospagebreak title="Khesed Ministries Annual Report 2008"}

In the last twelve months we are seeing a dramatic speeding up of God's plans among Indigenous Australians. The Prime Minister's apology for the 'stolen generations' set the scene, with some very powerful times of intercession and warfare making real changes in the heavenly realm. The visions and stories in this issue of Khesed News show that clearly, and we are looking to a very busy and fruitful 2009, expecting to see the fulfilment of so much that many of us have longed to see for many years.
We have produced a number of DVDs of events during the year, including major work on rewriting and producing God's Story in simpler Australian English. Some of the Yolngu from Elcho Island have also asked us to produce CDs from the old cassette tapes of Dhurrkay Praise. We continue to do what we can with finance and distribution of CDs, DVDs and books of selected indigenous Christians, such as Robyn Green's new CD I Will Arise.
Khesed Directors have done a lot of travelling in 2008, and expect to do a lot more in 2009. This year, we believe will involve a lot of driving to parts of the 'ancient land' consulting with indigenous leaders for 'Healing the Land'. We believe that the processes of admitting the truth of the past and repenting on behalf of our ancestors and people opens the way for real recognition of each other, healing, reconciliation, and a release of worship that brings into the land and its people the Glory of God.
We are very thankful to all our prayer partners, supporters, and our indigenous brothers and sisters for all the encouragement and help that makes this ministry possible, and continue to pray God's huge blessings for you as you continue to bless heaps of others.

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