



KHESED NEWS #81        March 2010


Ngiyaani - “we all” Kamilaroi Reconciliation

New Film Project: GOD's Aussie Fire!

Eagle Rock Training Centre commences

News & Coming Events, including WCGIP8 NZ 2011

A New Day is Dawning  -  National All People’s Prayer Assembly

Erambie Mission   Cowra NSW

Khesed Directors’ Program

Eagle Rock Church Conference - 28-30 May 2010


Ngiyaani - “we all” Kamilaroi Reconciliation

- report from Anne Green, Victorian Indigenous Prayer Network

The following event (see below) is a first of it’s kind as far as we know here in Victoria : ‘ngiyaani’ is an initiative of Indigenous Christian Leaders inviting non Indigenous Christian Leaders (from the full spectrum of Christian denominations and organizations) to meet with and hear from Indigenous Christian Leaders in an atmosphere of prayer and unity in Christ.  “ngiyaani” means “we all” in the Kamilaroi language (Billy Williams).

How can I put into words the happenings of the past weekend at Belgrave Heights, except to say that God surely had His way in our midst?

As one Indigenous Christian Leader put it: “it’s as though a new day is dawning”.  His words were also echoing what is currently happening over in Perth, WA, at the ‘A New Day is Dawning’ National Prayer Assembly!

Throughout the weekend, Indigenous Christian leaders freely spoke out the truth in love, repeatedly calling for a complete change of mindset within the church.  On the whole, their words were humbly received by God’s people.

Non Indigenous Christians from many different backgrounds are now hungry for righteousness and justice in regard to our relationships with our Indigenous brothers and sisters in Christ.  There was a recognition that this is where we must begin - putting God’s house in order first of all.  Then, there can be a flow on to the rest of the nation.

On Saturday morning, local Wurundjeri elder, Murrundindi, wrapped in his possum-skin coat and with fresh gum branches in his hands, performed and sang a ‘Welcome to Country’ in the Woiwurrung language.  In response, a group of young men from the North Coast of NSW danced with boomerangs and clap sticks and sang their appreciation in their local language, to the tune of the didjeridu.  Murrundindi was deeply moved by these young men as he had never experienced such an appreciative response in all his years of welcoming.  His warm embrace of each of these young men said it all.

 On Saturday night, following a dramatic and destructive hailstorm and flooding rains in the afternoon, the Indigenous Christians spoke from the stage in the main auditorium.  Many were moved to tears as God’s people acknowledged and repented over the marginalization of Indigenous Christians within the churches, where there should have been honour, acknowledgement and love.

We hope and pray that for all who attended the weekend this will be an ongoing journey together and not just a one-off event.

‘ngiyaani’- ‘we all’ was the name given to the first session on Friday which set the scene for the weekend.

Barriers came crashing down as God’s Spirit joined our hearts as one and opened up our ears to hear the heart cry of Indigenous brothers and sisters in Christ.

We recognized that there is much unfinished business, but it is good to know that a new day has begun and we will share this journey of healing together in God.

Malachi envisages such a day when he prophesied: “ The sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings....”

May the glory of Christ our Saviour and Lord, rise over this land.



Monthly prayer on Wednesday at Anne Green’s home in Burwood 
Ph.9888 9873   Wednesday 3.00pm - 4.00pm.{mospagebreak}


World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People: Aotearoa/ New Zealand

January 9th to 17th, 2011

Kororia ki te Matua I runga rawa. Maungarongo ki runga I te whenua. Whakaaro pai ki nga tangata katoa.

Glory to our Father in heaven, peace on earth, and love to all people.

It is our honour to invite all of those who wish to join us in the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) in New Zealand from January 9th to the 17th, 2011.

This gathering is returning back to where Monte and Linda Ohia lead the establishment of this gathering that celebrates that we can be authentically Christian (followers of Christ) and authentically Indigenous (who God made us).

So come and join us in New Zealand to celebrate who God made us, to honour God and give him all the praise and glory, and to honour and love each other.

Our conference will begin on the Maori King’s (Kiingi Tuheitia) marae in Ngaruawahia (Turangawaewae) in the Waikato region from January the 9th to the 13th. On January the 13th our conference will move from Ngaruawahia to New Zealand’s biggest city which is 1 1/2 hours North by car to Auckland.

The WCGIP Aotearoa Vision:

Te Hokinga Mai: To be authentically Christian and authentically Indigenous.

For indigenous people to know God, live, and advance as indigenous people

God created our diversity and our uniqueness (our languages and culture) as people groups of the world.

Ihu/Jesus is the prototype

Our Core Values are;

• PONO: Integrity with responsibility and accountability:

• WHANAUNGATANGA: Relationships (sharing and caring):

• AROHA: Love, bringing life, giving, serving:

• WAIRUA: To be a reflection of God as created in His image, overarching all things.

The WCGIP NZ Mission Statements are based on the following key words:

• God Focused

• Indigenous Christ Followers

• Family and Community Transformation

• Manaakitanga: To look after all of those involved

• Advancing Our Financial Capacity


Cost: The registration fee covers the costs related to the conference from the welcoming ceremony onto Turangawaewae marae at 2pm on Sunday, January the 9th, in Ngaruawahia to the farewell at 11am on Monday, January the 17th, 2011. This registration fee covers;

The related events during the conference

All meals during the conference

8 nights’ accommodation (traditional accommodation on a marae – communal living)

Travel during the conference to different events as well as from Ngaruawahia to Auckland

What is the cost for full registration: We want to look after all those who come to the conference and yet not make it too expensive. The cost is;

Early Bird Registration: $1200(NZ) - pay before September the 30th, 2010.

Standard Registration: $1350(NZ) - pay between 1 October and 1 December, 2010.

Late Registration: $1500(NZ) - pay on or after 1 December.

At current rates these costs are about

            AUS $930 Early Bird

            AUS $1,050  Standard

            AUS  $1,170  Late{mospagebreak}


Khesed Resources

Fire in the Outback is now available again after reprinting.

Planned work on new resources over the summer didn’t happen at all, for a number of reasons – particularly John’s unrealistic goals, health and family responsibilities. So these projects are all on the back-burner: a simplified Healing The Land manual, Dhurrkay Praise CD, teaching booklet/DVD of God’s House, a CD/MP3 book-reading of Fire in the Outback.

However, plans for a DVD documentary of Australian Indigenous Revival Fire stories have developed amazingly during Feb-March, and this is now to be a series of DVD documentaries called GOD’s Ozzie FIRE.



GOD’s Ozzie FIRE – New Film Project

For a number of years we have wanted to make a film of the Fire in the Outback revival story, but we felt it needed to include details of other moves of God among indigenous people, and to bring it up to date. In the last few months we have realised that a series of documentaries is needed.

Late last year, Ros Marshall put us in touch with Es Giddy, semi-retired director of Gospel Film Ministry. We were able to meet in Newcastle in February and share our hearts: to produce documentaries that share the stories of God’s fire, and motivate new dimensions of what God is doing, in and through indigenous Australians.

Our thoughts are that the documentaries will tell the stories of the work of God’s Spirit in significant indigenous leaders, events and places - like Ron Williams, Elcho Island, the work of Christian mission organisations including the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship, and events like Praise Corroboree and World of Worship.

The first of these documentaries is urgent, as some of the key people are in their 80s and their health is deteriorating. This will centre on Pinnacle Pocket in Atherton Tablelands, Nth Queensland, where a move of God’s fire began in the late 1930s that has produced many very significant leaders, and continues today – people like Ps Peter Morgan, Pastors Stirling, Rod & Ray Minniecon, Ps Arnold Congoo, Ps Laurie Ramsay, Ps Tim Edwards and Robyn Green.

It is amazing how excited people have become since we first raised this project at the end of February. Aunty Evie Lowah, Cairns indigenous media personality, will conduct the interviews. Es Giddy brings us into partnership with professional media expertise, and we have offers of help from an Aboriginal film producer and professional film editors. Over half the $10,000 costs for the Pinnacle Pocket trip have already been promised.

On April 15, Ps Laurie & June Ramsay and John Blacket will fly from Perth to Cairns, with Es Giddy (Sydney), Aunty Evie (Cairns) and Robyn Green (Tweed Heads) joining us for a week’s filming in Atherton Tablelands with Ps Arnold Congoo, Ps Charlie Rosas, Ps Eddie Turpin, Limna Barlow and others.

A lot of work is needed preparing storyboarding and other details, plus equipment for filming and sound recording, and computer and software etc before we arrive there. When we arrive, we need to get to know people and what is important to film – in Mt Garnett, Atherton, Pinnacle Pocket and Innisfail. That is just the beginning, as the work of organising and editing seems to me like it will be huge!

We appreciate your prayers and support, especially with a large number of computer and camera hassles in the last month. The computer hard drive was replaced two weeks ago, but has failed again when the recent storm flooded our office and the computer and printers suffered.



A New Day is Dawning 

National All People’s Prayer Assembly   

Perth   Western Australia       5-16 March 2010

- report from Bret Ridley, Deep Sea Canoe Movement

From the 13th to 16th of March, a ‘National Prayer Assembly’ was held as the Deep Sea Canoe Movement was hosted by Arrowhead Ministries on the grounds of Beananging Kwuurt Institute in Perth. Delegates travelled from across the country and overseas to participate in this historic gathering where the Deep Sea Canoe Movement was welcomed to country by Aboriginal elders.

The Prayer Assembly was preceded by a week of worship, prayer and revelation facilitated by Arrowhead Ministries under the theme ‘A New Day is Dawning’. This theme flowed over to the Prayer Assembly where it began a new day in the relationships between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia and the Island peoples of the Pacific. Particularly those of West Papua, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji because of their common Melanesian origin. And as the Aborigines are the oldest known people in this region, they are seen as the big brother in the eyes of the Pacific.

A key theme in the Deep Sea Canoe Movement (web address the message of the Father having a significant role for Indigenous peoples in this day came through in various ways, inspiring everyone to respond in faith. It was truly a wonderful time of connecting and growing together, engaging in this age old relationship, while being exhorted to walk in our authority in the land and be focused on global missions in the process.


Greeting from Miloalii Siilata to the Prayer Assembly

Australia with it’s indigenous Aborigines people is the first born of Melanesia and the whole Pacific for that matter. We want to see the Aboriginal peoples of Australia arise to their position of authority and calling as the indigenous people of the land of Australia. The calling for Australia according to the Lord is HOLINESS. The prophet Michael Maeliau had a word for the Aborigines of Australia that one day the Aboriginal peoples of Australia will teach the world on how to hear the voice of God. When the First Born takes his rightful place according to the will of God, then the rest of the family can fall in as well

May God’s will be done in Perth during the Australian APPA.


• Another report:  Australia, Pacific and the nations represented.  Unity in the Holy Spirit.  God brought people from all over WA, Queensland, NSW, Victoria, NT, Tasmania, the Pacific, SE Asia, USA, Scandinavia, and England.  The uniting in the Holy Spirit of the indigenous of the Pacific and Australia was witnessed.

The last three nights, out in the open, under the stars.  Fellowshipping late into the night, early mornings.   God welcomed England to the campfire by sending a young man from England. God has opened the door prophetically to you in England. This also happened for Ireland.

Since then, evidence of change has come through a non-Christian saying “the land has changed”.  This person didn’t even know what was done just a few short days before.

Knowing the significance of the gathering and the financial shortfall, Gloria Dyer, as host and leader of this event, is giving the opportunity for people to partner in this gathering even though it is now finished. They need 60 people to send $100 each.

Bank:  National Bank/Cheque Account  Account Name:  Arrow-Head Ministries   Bank Account No:  561552702  BSB No:  086116



Eagle Rock Training Centre

Commenced in Gosnells, Perth in February with a Cert III Discipleship course - Abstudy/Austudy approved.

Pss Tim & Di Edwards have had this in their hearts for a number of years, and Nathan Seden is the Principal. In May, an English For Missions course will commence under June Blacket’s leadership, and in July a Cert IV Leadership course. John and June will join a number of indigenous Christian leaders as part of the teaching staff.

It is amazing how this has all come together in the last few months, but the attack is on, with the sudden death of the first registered student even before the course began.


Erambie Mission   Cowra NSW

Sunday 7 March a group of 9 born again believers, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, met at 2pm to commence a church in the Erambie Mission in Cowra, NSW. The Holy Spirit has worked mightily in these believers in recent days.

The prayer of this group is for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall today, that many will be saved, healed and born-again, and that the fire will fuel the hearts of the whole indigenous community.

For many years from 1942 there was an AIM church there, so in a sense this is the redigging of an old spiritual well. The meeting was planned to be held in the old church.

Just as I was about to go to clean and prepare the Church building, the skies opened, and it poured for hours. So instead,  we met at Josie Ingram’s home, over sandwiches and scones, and the family were very amazed to hear that people around Australia could be praying for them.

The Lord concentrated on one of the young women, ministering to her, and also to one of the little girls, who is four.  She is remarkable, and never stops praying for people now, and talking about Jesus. Many lives have been touched, and people are hungry for the Presence of the Lord.

So thank you all for your prayers.  We will gather in the church for meetings, prayer and teachings in the days ahead.  The Holy Spirit is certainly stirring the waters, and igniting the fire in the old campfires where once the glory of the Lord has been.

 Please pray for the Lord’s protective covering against spiritual opposition to be over and around this group, and that the Lord would have His perfect will and way in Cowra.

- Shalom, Kathleen McCann



Khesed Directors’ Program

Healing The Land Road Trips - a season of encouraging and facilitating the healing of the ancient lands of this nation and its people.

15-22 April    God’s Fire filming in Nth Queensland [Central Desert road trip has been cancelled]

26-30 April        Eagle Rock Training Centre – Teaching Spiritual Warfare

4 May               Eagle Rock Training Centre – English For Missions courses commence – June Blacket coordinating

May   possible desert trip to Coonanna, with Stolen Generation staff

May-June-July    work on resources:-God’s Fire and other DVD documentaries

August              Pilbara/Kimberley trip

Health and Finance - Please uphold John & June’s health – we have both been under real attack this year. Our program has also been severely disrupted in the last few weeks by computer hassles and then by the big storm on March 22 - we’ve never seen anything like it - the gutters just couldn’t cope with the huge amount of horizontal driving rain!

Our house and office had some flooding, including a ceiling leak over John’s desk, his laptop and colour laser printer. Our copier/printer will have to be replaced and possibly also the computer (and John had just put a new hard disc drive in it and reloaded most of the software and documents only two weeks ago!)

We thank God that He always provides for our every need, and we trust Him, particularly when finances are very tight!



Eagle Rock Church Conference

Friday 28-Sunday 30 May 2010

Yule Brook College, Dellar Rd Maddington

David McDonald   Willie Dumas Tim Edwards  John McElroy

Please pray - join us if you can



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