


Female Sportsperson of the Year
WCGIP (World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People)
Trip to remember.
Fatherhood & Becoming Godly Adults
Indigenous Christian Leadership

Khesed Directors and Council thank you for your supportduring 2006
and pray for God’s richest blessings for you and your family for all of 2007.

Have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Lord andSaviour, Jesus Christ.

 Jesus is the reason for the season


Female Sportsperson of theYear:

The Deadlys awards for indigenous Australians

-     Congratulations to Lydia Williams

WCGIP (World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People) was founded by Maori Christian leaders, Monte and Linda Ohia ("O-h-ee-a").

The very first WCGIP took place in Rotoroa, New Zealand in 1996. Since then it has been held in South Dakota, Sydney, Hawaii, Kiruna [Sweden] and now Davao, Philippines.

The goal of WCGIP is to enable indigenous believers of Jesus Christ to meet, and express themselves to God and to each other in ways which affirm godly indigenous worship, teaching, prophecy, pastoring, evangelism, and discussion. All people are welcome.


Some of the leaders of WCGIP ['Keepers of the Vision'] came to this gathering in Davao wondering if the event had run its season and needed to be wound up. But there was a strong enthusiasm from young indigenous adults and among many nations like China, India, Africa and Indonesia wanting to hold the event in their lands. So now there is now a feeling that the WCGIP has 'come of age' and is entering a new phase as it heads to Jerusalem in 2008.

Gavriel Geven, joint organizer of the next Gathering, stated that the Jewish coming of age ceremony – the Bar-Mitzvah – is conducted when a boy turns 13. But for girls, their Bat-Mitzvah is held at 12 years of age. Gavriel has a daughter who turns 12 in 2008, so her ceremony will be part of the next WCGIP, as we celebrate both coming of age.

The Pacific Islanders' have traditional stories of how their ancestors traveled in ocean-going canoes from the Middle East to Hawaii, then to the other Islands ofthe Pacific, ending up in New Zealand. Their leaders are now saying that the Gospel has traveled to the 'ends of the earth', since New Zealand is the furthest point geographically from Jerusalem, and it is time for them to take the Gospel back to Jerusalem. They are planning to take their 6 canoes on a six-month trip, stopping off at every place on the way for a time of evangelism and ministry, arriving in Israel for the 2008 Gathering.


Trip to remember.

- by Rev Willie Pickett, PerthW.A.

In September, alongside my son Willow and through the financial assistance of Pastor John Blacket and Khesed Ministries, we were able to attend the WCGIP convention in Davao City in the Philippines.

We traveled on the anniversary of September 11th and that by itself was a real challenge – but the days leading up to our departure were amazing - everythingwe needed, particularly finances and passports just happened in a major way. We believe God just intervened in every way to allow us to get to the Philippines and it turned out to be a trip to remember.

I was so overwhelmed by the 20 indigenous nations that were represented there in Davao that indigenous people around the world have a place in the Kingdom of God. And that, more importantly, our culture can bring glory to God - especially our language, dance, music and instruments.

There were many highlights, from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony, and I even got painted up and donned a red lap-lap and played the tapping sticks while my son Willow did traditional dances and he also played the didgeridoo.

We were celebrities for most of the time we were there because many from Davao for the first time, saw real genuine Australian Aboriginal people. It was a little overwhelming to take in but we got used of it.

We alsorealized after looking around that we are so blessed here in Australia, ourlife style is so different but we live in a blessed country. For example: ourdollar is worth 35 Philippino pesos, so 50 Australian dollars converts to about1500 pesos – and the average wage is very minimal - about 40 Australian dollarsper week.

I believe God is at work in all indigenous people groups of the world and He is redeeming people and their culture for the purpose of Glorifying Himself.

I hope togo to Israel for the next WCGIP gathering in 2008, and encourage all Indigenous Australians to think about going, I want to challenge you to come to Israel.

Rev Willie Pickett,

Western Australia

Fatherhood & Becoming Godly Adults

ManyIndigenous men and women who were brought up in institutions or foster homeshave not had role models of Godly parenting and little to draw on in bringingup their own children, who often get into trouble as a result. This is a majorissue today.

Aboriginalmen have talked with me about not wanting their boys to go through tribalinitiation – either because they feel there are evil influences there or havetaken on the belief taught by many missionaries that all traditional culture isevil. Mostly these men give in to social pressure – after all, their sons will always be boys if they aren't initiated.Even at 30 or 40 they will still be considered 'too young to get married'.

Tribalinitiation has had a real resurgence in significance, but the mentoring processhas fallen away with the breakdown of traditional authority. The emphasis isnow on the ceremony itself, almost like a magical means of making adults out ofboys. This generally applies to girls also – there are still special ceremoniesinvolved for them.

Sothe question arises strongly: How do we bring up our children God's way?

Inthe last few years a number of people around the world have faced this questionand felt God showing them that Christianity is possibly the only religion inthe world that does not have a 'rite of passage' where we publiclyrecognize a change of status from child to adult.

Lastmonth the Fatherhood Foundation co-sponsored a visit of Brian Molitor toAustralia to conduct men-only seminars on these issues. Ps Geoff Stokes got himout t Kalgoorlie for a closed session with traditional lawmen and GoldfieldsAboriginal men. We are praying for this to have a ripple effect across thenation among Indigenous men and women that will bring them to re-evaluate whatis in their culture that is God-given and what needs to be rejected.

Pastor Tim Edwards

Manyof you will have heard that Ps Tim Edwards spent 2 weeks in hospital in Octoberand had a fairly serious operation. The exploratory operation and subsequenttests failed to find any evidence of the stomach cancer the surgeon was certainwas there – since God has healed him – but further tests are planned to makesure there is no other problem. Tim is recovering slowly. Please pray for totalrecovery.

Discipleship - MP3 & DVDmaterials

In February-March 2007, Perth will host Impact World Tour, a majorevangelistic outreach that is expected to have a very large impact onIndigenous youth and families. Because many of them do not read very much, weare working with Perth Indigenous Christian Leadership on follow-updiscipleship materials that are audio and video and can be downloaded and usedwith MP3 and DVD players. Please pray for us in this ministry.

IMLA Tragedy 

Our prayer for God’s blessing:  Romans 8:28     And we know that God causes everything towork together for the good of those who love God and are called according toHis purpose for them.


On 6th November, an IMLA team led by Tony Rodgers [photo onback page] was returning from a successful outreach trip to Coen in CapeYorkQueensland. They were traveling in the IMLA Toyota Land cruiser which hit anembankment and the vehicle rolled three timeås.

A young man named Malcolm (Tony Rodger’s nephew) died, TonyRodger’s son Tony Jnr had to be airlifted to Cairns base hospital with afractured skull. [He had surgery for that and for his leg, and has now beenreleased from hospital]. Chris Kennedy has shoulder injuries – and a brokenbone in his neck. Herbert and Tony Snr escaped with minor injuries.

We need prayer please. Prayer for Tony’s family who have sufferedthe loss of a great young man, prayer for healing for all the men, prayer thatforgiveness and the Lord’s peace would rule and reign in this situation, andprayer to keep going in the face of this tragedy.

We are still all in shock. Thank you for your understanding andprayers. Tony Rodgers and his family have been very encouraged by your prayersand comforting emails through out this hard time.

Malcolm’s funeral was on Thursday 16 Nov.and Tony assures us thatthere is “peace in the camp” which is what we have been praying for.

However they are struggling with funeral costs and we have beenapproached for contribution towards the funeral.  Malcolm does leave behind a young child.  Please continue to pray for all thefamilies involved. They have been okay so far but from experience we know thatit will take much prayer and encouragement for them to cope in the medium andlong term future. Please also pray for the Indigenous Ministry Links Australiateam.


Carl and GailMusch

IndigenousMInistry Links Australia,

PO BOX 1873,

Mareeba, Qld4880

PH: 07 40 926168 or 0427 354 055

email:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Indigenous Christian Leadership

As the First Nationsin Australia, Aborigines have a special responsibility given by God to care forthis land for God. For over 200 years immigrants have usurped this role andtaken control illegally [by God's law]. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islandershave gradually worked to regain their place, and are gradually takingspiritual, political and economic leadership in the land again.

Leaders from a widespectrum of mainline, evangelical and Pentecostal streams are making newefforts to meet, pray and work together. A national Indigenous ChristianAlliance is being formed. Pray for wisdom, unity and an outpouring of the HolySpirit in all their diversity. John Blacket and several others have beguncalling leadership together in Perth on a regular basis.

Two messages fromPs Geoff Stokes

Geoff is an Aboriginal Pastorfrom the Goldfields of Western Australia with outreach to the communities ofthe central desert.

Pastor Geoffrey Stokes

Ninga Mia Christian Fellowship

Kalgoorlie    Phone 0407 378 602

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Flood, drought, locusts, war - sound familiar?

I urgently need to speak to youabout your prayers for rain because without understanding what is happening inour country you will have no success.

Psalms 24 1 "The earth isthe Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it"

Psalm 24 17 "Lift up yourheads oh ye gates, be lifted up you ancient doors."

You need to get the ancientgatekeepers and watchmen involved with your prayer meeting - the Aboriginalpeople in your area.


"Therefore if you areoffering your gift at the altar and there you remember that your brother hassomething against you leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go andreconcile to your brother then come and offer your gift"

Matthew 25: 23

Fatherhood and Men's Leadership

Our Aboriginal men are facing ahuge crisis as all our traditional roles and responsibilities are stripped fromus - and the media concentration on violence and abuse in our communities seemsto suggest that all Aboriginal men are evil and dangerous.

Depression, frustration andhopelessness are epidemic in our communities and we fear that our communitieswill become even more dysfunctional if we do not work to rebuild our men.

We are a group of senior,committed men - young and older - and we want to work with our men to rebuildtheir confidence and self esteem and show them how to be better fathers,husbands and leaders and give them confidence in these important roles.

We are looking for help andresources to do this - videos, tapes and DVDs as many of our men do not readand write well - or even better - speakers who might be able to come toKalgoorlie or on outreach with us.

We would be grateful for yourhelp. Please feel free to forward this to others if you think there is someoneelse who might be able to help us. 

We do not have anyspecial funding for this, we are not a government organisation - we arejust Aboriginal men who need to help our community.

Highwayof Holiness, Perth

21-23 September 2006 in Perth'sSupreme Court Gardens

One national Christian leaderwho was present described this as one of the most significant events in thehistory of this nation, which produced a verynoticeable change in the spiritual climate over the land.

Please pray that what God hasdone will continue to spread in humility and true unity all over every part ofthis land.


The aim of the meetings was to assist in achieving reconciliation between Indigenous andnon-Indigenous Christians in Perth. Also a strong aspect was to acknowledgeand honour the first Indigenous nations of Australia and also to bring healing inthe land between the Indigenous andnon-Indigenous peoples as a whole. It was significant that the day before themeetings started, Justice Murray Wilcox handed down the Native Title decision for the Perthmetropolitan area in favour of the Noongar people.


The opening night had approximately220-250 people. The day programmes had interstate speakers including PastorWalo Ani from Toowoomba and Pastor Wayne Stafford from Yarrabah community inQueensland. Local speakers included Rev Cedric Jacobs, John Blacket, [plus TimEdwards, Gloria Dyer and others] and testimonies and items from variousIndigenous churches in Western Australia (Pilbara, Kimberley, Goldfields andPerth). On the Saturday afternoon's celebration banquets were held in fiveIndigenous gates to the Perth City, hosted by teams within those areas.Indigenous people were served by non-Indigenous people with food and friendshipin a gesture of reconciliation.


Some Highlights

·    The anointing of the Perth foreshore land with water, olive oil, salt, prayer andpraise. This signified the breaking of demonic strongholds of death, grief,racism, misunderstanding and unforgiveness that had its roots going back to thefounding of the Western Australian colony in many relationships between theEuropean settlers and the Indigenous inhabitants.

·    HavingAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language groups represented from thePilbara, Goldfields, and the Kimberleys as well as the Southwest areas.

·    Rodney Rivers reading the Kriol Bible, the section of Jesus walking on the water andHis disciples thought He was a scary “debil-debil.”

·    The freedom in worship and dancing before the Lord on the final night, just likeKing David did.


Since the Highway of Holinessmeetings the members of our Mount Zion Church have been freer in getting up andgiving testimonies. We believe that “a day of small beginnings” has begun,where relationship building, reconciliation and establishing God’s order willcontinue. We believe that the cry for “a highway of holiness” that began atUluru and flamed in the Southwest Noongar country will also extend to otherparts of Australia.

- Report by Rev. KeithTruscott, whose church, Mount Zion Aboriginal & Islander Baptist Church,gave prayerful and physical support, along with a number of other churches andgroups.


Day 2: REPENTANCE - Thursday Night until 1.00am FridayMorning

GloriaDyer emailed supporters & friends:

"Godvisited us last night.  Deep repentance and forgiveness took place rightthrough to 1.00 am this morning…"

"Ithappened between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous, Aboriginal to Aboriginal forthe whole state of WA…"  "Thepraise and worship was amazing and so God inhabited the praises of His peopleagain. But I really didn’t know what God was about to do!"


Thursdaymorning, John Blacket taught on God's Dirt and how God wants to bless us morethrough His dirt that needs healing. That night Walo Ani showed photos of God'stransformation from his village in PNG, in Vanuatu and in Fiji – stories ofrepentance, and of relationships being healed, and stories of polluted waterbecoming clear and the land being healed and productive again.

Walospoke of Bible references to the water of life, of cleansing through salt andthe oil of forgiveness. Then he had Aboriginal elders mix cooking oil and saltinto a bucket of water, placed alongside a dish of soil from different parts ofWestern Australia. He then invited all present to come and repent for our sinsand the sins of our people, and to take a cup of the water/oil/salt mixture andpour it over the soil as a symbol of the healing of the land. 

Gloriawrote: "As this took place, there was much heart wrenching and genuinesorrow as we addressed our repentance to God and one another.  There wasalso a holy shaking and many stood in fear and trembling as their knees shookas they stood praying." 

Transcript of the session by Gloria Dyer, edited forKhesed News:

Therewas repentance over many issues by a wide variety of people – in Noongar andWongayi language as well as English.

…Families,Mothers and Fathers …  our sins fromYamatji country to Noongar Country to Wongutha country … my sins… forgive myfathers... forgive my mothers... Lord that you’ll shine glory upon my people…take the curses off this land…

On behalfof the white settlers, British government… missionaries who have hurt andoppressed and have brought hardship on the Indigenous people of this land…violating the rights of the first nations people, not recognizing theirsovereignty, not recognizing their proper ownership and stewardship of thisnation… Watjalas [whites] have come to the land without agreement and withouttreaty, without recognition of the Indigenous people that are here…  pain upon pain… injustice uponinjustice, legislation after legislation… the stolen generation and theoppression that took place in missions … the great pain of separation of womenfrom their children, children from their parents… misrepresenting Yourcharacter, Lord … calling a culture evil that was ordained and created by You …we ask for the welcoming by the host people of the land that they were givenstewardship over [and] a priestly prayer of approval and permission that wouldcome from the Indigenous people…

Backsliddenyouth… the whole Noongar people… healing waters flow out over our Noongarcountry… the people in the Brookton area… unity God between the Noongar peopleand all the rest of the people… disunity in the peoples … gossip, witchcraft…

This isYour ground… we break the curses… ceremonies… worship of the devil… you’vegiven us a culture Lord that was perfect but the devil made our forefatherssin, so Father, we break the curses over our land from the bottom of thiscountry Lord to the top from the West to the East…

Aboriginalmen and their treatment of women … children raped – incest … not honoring themarriage bed … Wongayi women’s business - women who sing our Aboriginal men -singing witchcraft … power hungry women - who think they are above the men… weleft the mission and just neglected our children, left them to run wild andundisciplined…

Myforebears who took up land in the Wandering district and were responsible fordriving Aboriginal people off their lands - injustices - massacred Aboriginalpeople in the Kimberleys and other places… white settlers in this land thatregarded Aboriginal people as less than human - regarded their language asbeing unintelligible babble - did not recognize the intelligence and gifting -superior attitude, pride and arrogance - exploited them, taken advantage ofthem … white men who used and exploited Aboriginal women for their own lust andpassion… materialism…

Thesuperior attitude that I had - I thought Lord that I had all the answers togive to Aboriginal people [Kimberleys] but I didn’t understand that Aboriginalpeople was such a relational people … missionaries criticized and spoken downto aboriginal believers… we haven’t released them into leadership - haven’tentrusted them… people who despise young Aboriginal people, regard them to befeared and not trusted … words of condemnation… churches in Perth that have beenunwilling to reach out to Aboriginal people living in our streets and in oursuburbs…

Youngpeople, thinking they are better than the Aboriginal people… cursed thosepeople - cursed their babies and their children… spoke words of death overtheir children… I repent for taking part in that … my son and half caste peoplethat are white but have Aboriginal blood … Aborigines are one of us - all God’speople…

Mybloodline - our bloodlines that go way back: help us to be reconciled as onenation of Christ’s children…

ThePilbara people - Bunjima - Inunga - Goodema peole… I repent on behalf of myancestors, for Aboriginal men for my area… what we have done to our whitesisters and brothers - the pride and hatred and vengeance we have … things ofour law and culture that hold us so strong to the dark side… more lovingtowards our women and not to treat them as our law and culture says but totreat them as your word says… love flows from this Noongar country, from thisHoly Ground that we stand upon tonight, that the river flows upstream notdownstream, filling all of the paths of the living waters… this bit of red dirtthat we got when we traveled here, right from the heart of my Father’s country,where the high places of our sorcerers, our witchcraft and our law and cultureis

TheInjibundi and Goolonga peoples, the Wudgbellangay, Lord put that love back inus to love one another and to be in unity and to go on forward to what you havefor us- bring them back to the heart of worship with you Lord!

Yagan [anearly Noongar leader], how they hunted him down and killed him - and Yagan’sfather, how they shot him when he was sitting in the camp with his wife causethey couldn’t find Yagan… the massacre in Pinjarra, how they shot all thosepeople down like animals…

Policeshot a man and the ground became sick and years later it was healed... the hurtand the pain of your people, for so long, and we ask your forgiveness for whatour ancestors have done, what our people have done to your people, words can’texpress and our hearts can’t really express what that means because it’s costyou so much, it’s hurt so much, and we ask, Father God, for Your forgivenessand the forgiveness of the Noongar people for what the British, the immigrantsof this land, have done and we ask for Your healing of the land in Jesus name.

 [Indigenous Woman Pastor] I want toforgive with a joyful heart, I love my Watjala people and I just want to thankGod for our people, God sent Watjala people to help me … God that You wouldcause our people, our Watjala people to walk with us as one…

My racistattitude towards white people… Noongar kids not allowed to get on school buses…people of Port Hedland, and all the surrounding communities where thewitchcraft and the culture and the law is so strong… missionaries and theirchildren… Wiluna, the fear and the pain and the way of life - give them a hopein their hearts

My family- six generation Australians and one of the first settlers in York - took thepeople’s land that were here first - even the Avon river now is sick -Aboriginal people took such good care of it but we have poisoned it …Aboriginal people were shipped to Rottenest Island - many of the Aboriginalpeople died on Rottnest Island from a broken heart and being separated fromtheir land

In a symbolicact, African Pastor Ed took some of the soil and oil mixture and placed it uponthe hands of an Indigenous brother and non-Indigenous brother kneelingtogether.

Walo Aniconcluded, saying 'Today is just the beginning. We are starting a process. We don’tknow how far God is going to take us, maybe some years, maybe some months butGod, we on a journey. I wonder if you felt your knees were shaking when youwere actually doing something. I think that you have seen something that willhappen in your own community.'

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