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Report from Carl and Gail Musch -
Indigenous Ministry Links Australia
Carl writes: For those who received the last cry for help, thank you for your prayers. The men who had asked for me to come to study God’s word on those important subjects responded with comments like:
"I’ve been waiting for years for someone to come and help me" with tears in his eyes every day of the study.
"This is the best weekend of ministry since I got saved and this is really important stuff. It’s scary but we must address it."
"This is what the Holy Spirit was telling me but I didn't Know where it was in the Bible. People said I was crazy but now I know this is what the Bible says" (Interpreted from Yolgnu Matha)
Over the whole time I was very aware of a very angry devil but more aware of the blessing and protection of God on our group and my family.
Please pray that these seeds sown and long planted seeds watered will continue to be watered and bear fruits of life and blessing and even revival.
In October, Carl led a  literacy program in PNG as part of missions training and preparation, to give PNG ministers skills that will give them better access to countries they are sent to.
Carl met with a number of people who are asking about serving among Indigenous Australians. IMLA are desperate for workers that will go to the places where no one else will go. Three are planning on their first visit to remote Aboriginal communities  in May 2011.
There are many more who want training and PNG mission leaders who want help with strategy. The obstacles for PNG national missionaries have been nothing short of diabolical.   Despite fifteen years, huge passion, six missions directors, considerable amounts of money and prayer, one Spirit filled national movement of 1000 churches has not been able to place 1 full time person on the mission field. This has been a demonic stronghold opposing their destiny and God’s great commission.
PNG has the potential to be a greater missions force than a mission field. The first missionaries left with PNG nationals the challenge of completing the mission task among Australian indigenous people, and there has always been a close association with Torres Strait Islanders
Carl also reports that a Torres Strait Islander missionary is moving to Yirrkala in NT to join with a younger generation Yolngu Christian, Gerard Marika, who initiated workshops earlier this year on the place of totems and talking to ancestors in the Christian life.

 Federal Election Thanks

- from Ps Geoff Stokes, Kalgoorlie
It is Sunday morning - the day after the Big Election - and I am a happy man! More that 1000 people were able to have a choice and vote for me.
Perhaps more importantly - With your help we have had a major impact on the whole country and now we have a government that will be forced to listen to the people.
And more than 45,000 people did not vote for Wilson Tuckey! At the last election he seemed to have an unbeatable lead and he was a powerful influence on the Liberal party - but no more.
 Tony Crook is a good man and a good candidate - he will hold the seat by a slim margin and he will be part of the balance of power - so he will need to work hard and now he knows that he will need to listen to the people, especially Aboriginal people so it is up to us to guide him and teach him.
Thank you all for your great prayers and support - I truly could not have done this without you
 Truly because of you this country has seen that Aboriginal people matter, they vote - and so do their friends!  And that the principles of Caring for People and Caring for Country need to be at the front of decision making in Canberra.
Palya - It is Good!  God Bless You All
Pastor Geoffrey Stokes
Caring for People, Caring for Country
PO Box 561, Kalgoorlie 6430
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Phone 0407378602
 Coonana Christian Convention
This was held at Coonana Community [on the Trans-Australia railway line south east of Kalgoorlie] on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th October 2010.
It was run by Ninga Mia Christian Fellowship, Kalgoorlie and Eagle Rock Church, with students from Eagle Rock Training Centre.
There was a fairly small but keen group of local people present, and God's presence and power were at work. One man who had been stabbed in the leg had blood spurting out from an artery. The team prayed and God stopped the flow of blood.
Pray for this small, rather isolated community, who are resisting government and mining efforts to close it down to produce a mega superpit mine, many times the size of Kalgoorlie's superpit.

A United Australia: 
Zions Hill Church    Launceston, Tasmania  
2 - 4 December 2010
In 2008, the Lord placed upon our hearts the desire to link arms with our Indigenous brothers and sisters to join the ancient sounds of our nation together with the instruments and the prophetic sounds of today into wholehearted worship to Him.
God has a redemptive purpose in this and I believe since our last event in 2009, doors are opening into a new day for this wonderful Nation of Australia. There is a unique sound to come forth from this Nation!
Thursday 2 Dec 2010 (7 PM) Stories Around The Campfire - with our special Indigenous guest speakers & musicians.  Set up your tents and caravan from $15 a night. For more information on camping on site, please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Friday 3 Dec 2010 (7 PM) 
Prophetic Worship Event commences
Saturday 4 Dec 2010 (9 AM & 7 PM) Prophetic Worship
Sunday 5 Dec 2010 (10 AM & 6 PM) 
Join us also for our Sunday Services
Costs:   Adult - $70 / Concession - $60     Groups of 10 - entitled to 10% discount
Indigenous Guest Speakers:
Ps William & Sandra Dumas   
(Senior Ministers of Tweed Valley Community Church)
Darryl & Edwina Lingwoodock    (Aboriginal & TSI Liason Officer at City Care Brisbane and elder of Kubbi Kubbi, Sunshine Coast)  
Rose Rigney & Lynnette Wanganeen    (Lower Lakes, Coorong, South Australia) - Pastors serving in Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Domestic Violence, Family, Childcare & Youth)
Patricia Morgan  Renowned Singer in gospel music, ministering in crusades around Australia and all over the world
Ps Robyn Green   An amazing gospel singer who moves in the prophetic and is used by God in healing ministry
Ettikai Reuben  A Torres Strait Islander young man, born again & on fire for Jesus. He is a professional and was training at the National Aboriginal & Islander Institute for Dance
- Report from Anne Green,
Victorian Indigenous Prayer Network

TE KARANGA KI TUA (The Call to the Future) 8th World Christian Gathering on Indigenous Peoples (WCGIP) 2011
From January 9th - 17th 2011, people from New Zealand and throughout the world will gather in Ngaruawahia and then Auckland, New Zealand to celebrate being indigenous followers of Christ.
This is the 8th World Christian Gathering on Indigenous Peoples (WCGIP) when people groups of the world will gather to focus on four key themes; FAITH, CELEBRATION and HOPE on a foundation of LOVE.
FAITH: To focus on our intimacy with God. CELEBRATION: To celebrate our God-given indigenous languages, cultures, stories and journeys.
HOPE: To share stories and initiatives that give hope to live life in all its fullness as indigenous people.
LOVE: To express our love for God and for people.
Nau mai, haere mai - Welcome
7 continents 7 strands
People from the 7 continents will gather; to focus on 7 key strands that weave together indigenous communities; for 7 full days, where we will see, share and serve; in the land of 7 waka (Aotearoa/New Zealand).
7 full days 7 canoes (waka) The 7 strands that we will focus on to support and advance our indigenous communities are:
    Health     
    Education    
    Arts and Entertainment 
    Business + Media    
    Church    
    Government and Law   
 Family
So come and join us in FAITH in our Lord Jesus Christ; ready to CELEBRATE who God has made us as indigenous peoples of the world; and be inspired as we share God-given initiatives that give us HOPE to live life in its fullness as indigenous people. The foundation of all of these is LOVE - Love for God and love for people.
Come as we heed the call, the Call to the Future. Nei rā te KARANGA KI TUA. The official welcome will be on January the 9th 2011 at Tūrangawaewae marae, Ngaruawāhia, New Zealand.

Early Bird Registration now extended to  15 December!
For further details please contact Jacqui Waenga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  phone +64 272 66 44 37  or see the website:

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